ntilde ntilde sbquo eth frac34 eth ordm eth deg eth ordm ntilde sbquo eth frac34 ntilde eth frac34 eth sup2 ntilde eth micro eth frac14 eth frac12 eth micro eth middot eth acute eth frac34 ntilde euro eth frac34 eth sup2 eth frac34
how is it that thick omg
her name
ugly chode and screen is stretched vertically
ntilde ntilde sbquo eth frac34 eth ordm eth deg eth ordm ntilde sbquo eth frac34 ntilde eth frac34 eth sup2 ntilde eth micro eth frac14 eth frac12 eth micro eth middot eth acute eth frac34 ntilde euro eth frac34 eth sup2 eth frac34
how is it that thick omg
her name
ugly chode and screen is stretched vertically