silentdogg below correction chatterboxdogg stop harassing people leaving nasty messages on their page but block others from responding all this effort makes you look as if you have bbc envy! be happy with your size
i have a professional degree several is that all you got to be quit frank the word ugly doesn 039 t describe me the works very pretty beautiful attractive fine elegant are the only words ever used to describe me not to be arrogant just a point of information yes i do eat lol all the fat is just where i like them sorry baby i don 039 t have low self esteem so your quot so called quot insults are unaffective nice try though lol
passionone below so i suppose even smart christians watch raunchy porn some of them even participate i 039 ve seen them crucifix dangling from their neck while being pounded up the ass and gagging on another can i get an amen
i would love to fuck a beautiful slim woman
i love feeling bbc opening me up to drop their cum
ugly botox dick too
una putita cualquiera
silentdogg below correction chatterboxdogg stop harassing people leaving nasty messages on their page but block others from responding all this effort makes you look as if you have bbc envy! be happy with your size
i have a professional degree several is that all you got to be quit frank the word ugly doesn 039 t describe me the works very pretty beautiful attractive fine elegant are the only words ever used to describe me not to be arrogant just a point of information yes i do eat lol all the fat is just where i like them sorry baby i don 039 t have low self esteem so your quot so called quot insults are unaffective nice try though lol
passionone below so i suppose even smart christians watch raunchy porn some of them even participate i 039 ve seen them crucifix dangling from their neck while being pounded up the ass and gagging on another can i get an amen
i would love to fuck a beautiful slim woman
i love feeling bbc opening me up to drop their cum
syren de mer
no cumshot no good